Sacha was born in 1971 in Hemer,Germany where he still live with his girl friend Isabella.
- Flyfisher & Flytier since 1985
- Sacha visited many national and international flyfishing shows and demonstrated in 10 diferrent countries his tying skills – Dänmark, USA, England, Sweden, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Ireland
- 2008 he won in the first Official German Flytying Championchip in 4 categories
- Grand Prix Winner 2003 in Japan (Ken sawada Contest)
- Irish Open Champion 2004 (2xGold,2xSilver,2xBronce)
- Irish Open Champion 2005 (1xGold,1xSilver,1xBronce)
- Mustad Scandinavian Open Champion
- German Flytying Open 2000
- Slovenian Flytying Contest
- A special highlight was the flytying demonstration in the USA at the “Flytying Symposium” and the “Sommerset Show” in New Jersey
- Calendar 2002 “Salmonflies by Sacha Pütz” Classicsalmonflies
- Calendar 2003 “Modern Salmonflies by Sacha Pütz” Tubeflies
- Calendar 2007 “Classic Salmonflies 2007” Sacha Pütz
- Sacha is author of the book “Tubeflies Two Evolutions” USA
- Author of the book “Flytiers of the World” Vol.3 from Steve Thornton England
- Very proud to be a part at the Als-Society Project in memory of Gary Lafontaine Sacha tied a Dusty Miller for this benefit poster project
- Tying on the ASFI Atlantic Salmon Fly International 2016 in Seattle USA & ASFI 2018 in Miramichi NB Canada